Saturday, October 20, 2007

Having to Remember all the Details

When you originally lose someone you think about them everyday. Your life is kind of consumed with that, maybe because you feel like if you do not you may forget them. As time goes on that slowly starts to sit further back in your thoughts, it is no longer a priority in your day. Out of no where you realize that you did not stop to think about that person yesterday. You panic and feel horrible and almost punish yourself mentally and emotionally because you are placing more importance in other things.

This is a completely normal and all just part of the process. In all actuality you will never be able to forget that person because they are forever imprinted into your memories and life. Sure you may sometimes forget the joke that you two always laughed at, stories that were told, but the person remains a part of you forever.

After my mom died I was afraid too of forgetting every detail about her. Those were the only things I had left and I never wanted to forget a single thing. An obvious piece of advice I received was to start writing all the moments and memories, with painful details in a book. This way you will never forget and can later revisit them when you are not thinking clear or lose track. Looking back I wish I would have stuck with that more. There are things I find hard to remember, but I do not punish myself for forgetting them. It is just a part of life and though the details mean a lot, the person means more.

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