Saturday, September 29, 2007

Help Others, But Start with Yourself

When you lose someone in your family, automatically you try to fill the void. That emptiness feels weird and foreign, it is very uncomfortable. It's hard to pin point this feeling in the middle of grief, but in retrospect you start to understand why you did certain things and said what you did. Although you may be feeling like you are useful and really helping those around you, you also have to be very careful. It's easy to lose yourself and enable others. It is probably the most difficult thing I have ever done was to stop playing mom, wife, sister, and daughter. When I should have concentrated on being the best sister and daughter possible and spent a little more time on me. It sounds selfish, but to help others you need to be able to heel yourself first!

1 comment:

Kayster said...

This is such a valid point. I too lost my mom. It was breast cancer a year and a half ago and I don't know if I will ever get over it!! It is so hard to focus on yourself sometimes with grief because the last thing you want to do is accept why would have to do that in the first place.
I am so sorry for you loss.